5 Ways to Intentionally Reframe the New Year

We are just about to wrap up the first week of 2022. How are we doing? How are we feeling? Is it excitement? Anxiety? A little bit of both? 

You're not alone.

When it comes to the New Year, we put a lot of pressure on ourselves. We go into it proclaiming "NEW YEAR, NEW ME!" and write down everything we didn't get around to in the previous year, as well as a new set of goals to accomplish. We barely give ourselves the time and space to celebrate what we've done before hustling off to the next thing.

Look, I'm all about setting goals and the hustle as much as the next person (I AM a Capricorn rising after all!) but I wanted to invite y'all to go inward for a minute, slow down, take a deep breath, and be more intentional with how to kick off the new year. 

As a Communication expert, I am ALL for a good reframe. So that's how I approached this process β€” reframing how we've been conditioned to approach the new year, while offering an alternative. I also include some resources to help get you there, because one of my personal 2022 intentions is to provide offerings based on the needs of my beautiful community. πŸ’–

Rowena and Kerri NYE

Are we ready?! Here we go:

REFRAME #1: Instead of NEW YEAR, NEW ME can we just work with what we've got, and see how we can improve?

The you of last year was pretty damn great, so why start over? We don't need to operate from a completely blank slate, no matter what the media are telling you. The goal is more alignment and integration, not more versions of us roaming around. Besides, isn't playing 50 different roles super exhausting? That's like, epic level expertise, as proven by the recent #understudies and #swings trend on TikTok.


REFRAME #2: Instead of anxiously getting things together in time for January 1, why not take the entire month to ease into new habits, new routines, and new mindsets?

Since when do we need to jump all in and SLAY from Day 1? I don't see anything wrong with easing into the new year one day at a time. This approach can show up in a number of different ways. For example, in terms of health & fitness, for the past 6 years I've done Yoga with Adriene's January 30-Day Yoga Challenge, and it's really helped take some of that pressure off.

YWA Move


REFRAME #3: Instead of focusing so intensely on the physical, material, things that we want this year, perhaps we can consider the FEELINGS associated with those things instead?

This is even more crucial based on your Human Design Chart (don't know what that is, let's set up a chat!)  and is a standard Law of Attraction practice to signal what you want from the universe. In other words, when it comes down to what we desire out of this lifetime, it's not usually the actual house or job that we want. No, it typically is the feeling attached to that item. For example, the reason why I wanted to become an entrepreneur is to feel a sense of FREEDOM. Does that make sense? 

SSC Course

  • Seduction of the Soul Course: Activate the magic of the moon in this DIY course focused on embracing your sensual side to harness your authentic energy.

  • 1:1 Human Design Reading: A live session with Rowena to go through your Human Design chart and see how to more authentically live out your soul blueprint.

REFRAME #4: Instead of honing in on the more masculine energy-based business goals like KPIs, ROI, [insert business acronym here], can we instead explore incorporating a divine feminine approach to business?

When we talk about the divine feminine and divine masculine, this goes beyond gender and/or sex assignment. We all have this energy and can be intentional with how we harness this energy. For years and years we've operated businesses using a very masculine, patriarchal lens. I invite my business owner friends to call in alternative approaches that use intuition, connections, fluidity, etc. And with Jupiter in Pisces right now, this is a fantastic time to tap into our creativity and collective consciousness. 


REFRAME #5: Instead of relying on ourselves to DO everything, ACCOMPLISH everything, LEARN everything β€” how about leaning into community a bit more?

We do not need to go on this journey in isolation β€” in fact, it helps to have advocates, accountability partners, and friends along the way. As human beings we are meant to coexist in community and tribes, but the modern familial unit has shifted a way of doing life that actually comes so natural to us. We no longer need to operate under this new structure if it does not serve. Find your people. Get support. Lean in. 

Evolving Sovereignty


  • Evolving Sovereignty Discord Community: An online collective committed to exploring different types of spirituality by providing a safe and inclusive space to ask questions, find resources, and build community.

  • Inspired Inner Muses FB Community: A free Facebook community for those seeking to get unstuck, find their voice, and take intuitive action steps to lead joyful and soulful lives on THEIR terms.

  • NRG Network Referral Group: A networking community with a proven warm lead-generating system to help you grow your business in any economy!


I always start each new year with a word or phrase. The language we use is more powerful than we think, especially when it comes to our self-talk and how we perceive the world. 

Each new year is an opportunity to reflect and reframe how we want to experience life. By staying mindful and present as much as possible, we may notice things that otherwise would have passed us by in the shuffle of our day-to-day. 

I hope this list inspires you to embrace a new way of doing things in the new year. Use the resources and community around you. Make time for gratitude and stillness. And if you ever need a friend, cheerleader, or accountability buddy, your favorite resident Cosmic Catalyst Coach is here for ya. πŸ˜‰

RBW NYEBook a Catalyst Call


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